
The Charter4Change blog hosts comments, articles and opinions from members of the humanitarian community focused on the importance of localisation within the humanitarian sector.

We encourage submissions in particular from organisations who have signed or endorsed the Charter4Change, but welcome any individual to submit content in line with the aims of the Charter.

Please see below a few ideas or themes on which we would encourage submissions. We are of course happy to feature blog posts on other topics and would be delighted to discuss any ideas you may have, please contact

  • Why Localisation is important to you/your organisation/the humanitarian sector/affected populations
  • How your organisation is implementing the commitments outlined in the Charter4Change
  • The work of your organisation to promote the role of national and local organisations within the humanitarian response
  • Testimonials from National NGOs on the impact of current practices within the humanitarian system (particularly how these may be addressed through specific commitments outlined in the Charter4Change)
  • Innovations that are improving locally-led response i.e. improving National NGOs access to international humanitarian financing, domestic response capacity strengthening, addressing negative recruitment practices.

We would strongly encourage submissions to incorporate personal experiences and anecdotes and be conversational in tone. We recommend that submissions should not exceed 1000 words.

All submissions should be sent to in a word document.