Messages from Charter4Change national NGO endorsers to the Grand Bargain Annual Review meeting (27 June 2019)

This Grand Bargain Annual Review event brings together donor governments, UN, INGOs, but local NGOs are almost entirely absent from the formal process. So in the absence of them having a seat at the table, Charter4Change invited national NGO partners to share their top message for the meeting through video-clips shared on the @charter4change twitter channel and here on our website:

2 thoughts on “Messages from Charter4Change national NGO endorsers to the Grand Bargain Annual Review meeting (27 June 2019)

  1. Glad to see these issues more spoken about. The localisation of aid agenda need some more traction as we keep seeing repeats of local people brushed aside. We are writing our story about how aid doesn’t but should make it to local people. #unitednonsense After a decade in the field we saw the worst of what happens when the system refuses to recognise share power. Tech solutions will also bring new mechanisms disrupting the current aid paradigm. We are working on a project in Raqqa with FrontlineAid on just that..Great initiative. Thanks.


  2. Glad to see these issues more spoken about. The localisation of aid agenda needs some more traction as we keep seeing repeats of local people brushed aside. We are writing our story about how aid doesn’t but should make it to local people. #unitednonsense – advocacy will shake the trees.

    After a decade in the field we saw the worst of what happens when the system refuses to recognise share power. Tech solutions will also bring new mechanisms disrupting the current aid paradigm. We are working on a project in Raqqa with on just that..

    Great initiative. Thanks.


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